====== Big Prune ====== {{:cover-image:artworks-000441864054-tta0v8-t500x500.jpg?200|}} **Big Prune** is episode 103 of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 18-Jun-2019. ===== Description ===== Andrew, Ben & Theo are in a Siberian gulag looking at the continuing saga of a certain hapless opinion columnist. We also take a look at what must surely be the last gasps of the time in spotlight for controversial serial fantasist and Friend Of The Show, Nelly Yoa. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |In a Siberian Gulag. It sucks! Andrew's got a single potato, Ben's working his way through half an onion, and Theo has a dry husk of bread.|Andrew| ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Ben]] * [[start#Hosts|Theo]] ===== Guests ===== No guests this episode. ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |0:02:36|[[Unnamed Segment|Unnamed Segment]]|More Brigid Delaney as she tours the world, first being in a bike accident in Berlin, then getting scammed buying a visa to visit India and running around London trying to spend money quickly.| |0:24:50|[[Mailbag|Mailbag]]|What's Ben's business-to-party ratio on his mullet?| |0:26:12|[[Unnamed Segment|Unnamed Segment]]|[[Nelly Yoa]] returns, this time turning up to a court case in a white rolls royce with people pretending to be a security detail.| ===== Episode Notes ===== The [[Boat Watch]] theme is played during the final segment, to compare the [[Nelly Yoa]] story trajectory to the original boat watch. ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|| ^Movies Referenced|-| ^Fad Diets|No| ^Crime Passes|Lie about having been at the towers during 9/11 OR Steal valour| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A| ===== Navigation ===== [[episode_102_bonus|Previous Episode]] [[episode_103_bonus|Next Episode]] ===== Listen to the episode ===== {{soundcloud>boontavista/episode-103-big-prune}}