====== For Sale: Loose Baby; Never Caught ====== {{cover-image:artworks-gbgczxd1iv3dom4a-lnlx2w-t500x500.jpg?nolink&250|}} **Episode 203** For Sale: Loose Baby; Never Caught **Episode Navigation** [[episode_202_bonus|Prev]][[episode_203_bonus|Next]] **For Sale: Loose Baby; Never Caught** is episode 203 of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 10-Jun-2021. ===== Description ===== A tale of tapir terror, a confusing airport crime, a mysterious black substance pulling scientists out of retirement, and the Shipping Report gets political. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |Invigilating a certification exam at the Al Cisneros International Institute for the Naming of Stoner Metal Bands|Ben| ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Ben]] * [[start#Hosts|Lucy]] * [[start#Hosts|Theo]] ===== Guests ===== No guests this episode. ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |00:10:50|[[Omens and Portents|Omens and Portents]]|[[https://www.pressherald.com/2021/06/08/mysterious-black-substance-on-wells-beach-turns-out-to-be-millions-of-dead-bugs/|Mysterious black substance on Wells Beach turns out to be millions of dead bugs]]| |00:24:26|[[The Shipping Report|The Shipping Report]]|INSPECTA-7 sank in the Gulf of Suez. OOCL Durban contacted two gantry trains in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Ultra-large container vessel has unspecified trouble in the Gulf of Aden. **Record scratch:** Theo was right about the Horn of Africa. Cargo ship Ramona ran aground off coast of Gotland, Sweden. YKP Marine and Namtong 39 grounded themselves in Thailand. Falcon Line took was abandoned by all hands in the Gulf of Aden. Cargo ship River Thames ran aground in Balearic Islands in Spain, re-floated and did not report it to authorities. [[https://www.seaandcoast.in/News/23459/freighter-full-of-hashish-intercepted-by-senegalese-navy-so-what|Freighter full of hashish intercepted by Senegalese Navy So what?]] contains surprise anti-vaccine message by writer of article.| |00:41:43|[[Boonta Vista Hotline|Boonta Vista Hotline]]|Bob tells the hosts about his favourite animal, the tapir. Warns Ben against breaking into an enclosure to feed one spaghetti, citing the [[https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/1998/11/21/zookeeper-loses-arm-in-mauling-at-city-zoo/62261557007/|Oklahoma City Zoo tapir attack of 1998 (content warning)]]. Theo makes an Oklahoma City Bombing joke.| |1:03:25|[[Planely Speaking|Planely Speaking]]|[[https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/police-former-airline-employee-arrested-after-trespassing-charlotte-douglas/RXOZGWKBC5G43H2IK2PHD7XXUM/|Former airline employee arrested after trespassing at Charlotte Douglas]]| ===== Episode Notes ===== ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|n/a| ^Movies Referenced|| ^Fad Diets|| ^Crime Passes|| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A| ===== Listen to the episode ===== {{soundcloud>boontavista/episode-203-for-sale-loose-baby-never-caught}}