====== The Campfire Benphase 4 - Postdiluvian Man ======
**Episode 243 Bonus 1**
The Campfire Benphase 4 - Postdiluvian Man
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**The Campfire Benphase 4 - Postdiluvian Man** is a bonus episode of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on April 8, 2022.
===== Description =====
It's a campfireless Campfire Benphase about a strange thing happening during a strange thing. A lot of Brisbane-specific road talk too, if you like that sort of thing.
Outro: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - The Dead Flag Blues
===== Intro Scenario =====
* Scenario by [[start#Hosts|]].
===== Hosts =====
* [[start#Hosts|Ben]]
===== Guests =====
No guests in this episode.
===== Segments =====
|0:00:00|The Campfire Ben Phase ([[]])||
===== Listen to the episode =====
This is a bonus episode! If you'd like to listen to this exclusive episode and hundreds of others, consider subscribing to the [[https://www.patreon.com/BoontaVista|Boonta Vista Patreon]].
===== Navigation =====
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