====== Eat Shit, Lyle ====== {{:cover-image:artworks-000268847783-5v9ges-t500x500.jpg?200|}} **Eat Shit, Lyle** is episode 26 of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 13-Dec-2017. ===== Description ===== Andrew, Lucy and Theo are all politely shaking hands over the legalisation of same sex marriage. We also have several suggestions for the head of the Australian Christian Lobby.Clearly Sam Dastyari knew we were going to have a segment about him because he has announced his resignation the day before release, like a coward.We're also checking in on the world's foremost American Pie enthusiast in the latest edition of Wide World Of Where's Warnie. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |No intro scenario. The team debates the propostion that Lyle Shelton should eat some shit. The motion is passed.|n/a| ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Lucy]] * [[start#Hosts|Theo]] ===== Guests ===== No guests this episode. ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |0:01:12|[[Unnamed Segment|Unnamed Segment]]|Sort-of introduced as "A thing that happened" - the general news segment. Marraige equality vote fallout including a reference to the infamous Bob Katter crocodile speech. Sam Dastyari seeming to be campaigning for Chinese interests after accepting money and gifts from Chinese businessmen. Also some talk about the twitter poster communismkills.| |0:45:36|[[Where Is Shane Warne?|Where Is Shane Warne?]]|Introduced as The Wide World of Where's Warnie? Starts with his bizarre 'I haven't dating ro done anythign sexual ever, thank you to my sponsors, post' and moves on to his American Pie/Stiffler obsession. Lucy reads his Stiffler tweets into the record, and Theo quickly comes up with some stats on his thirst-likes.| |1:03:23|[[Nature Corner|Nature Corner]]|Australian Bird Of The Year is the magpie, to Theo and Lucy's disgust.| ===== Episode Notes ===== As part of covert state operations chat at around 00:33:50 Andrew notes that Russia does not appear to be competent enough to have manipulated all world events since 2015, contrary to centrist beliefs, something borne out by later world events ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|n/a| ^Movies Referenced|American Pie (1999), American Pie (), The Wedding (2003)| ^Fad Diets|n/a| ^Crime Passes|n/a| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A| ===== Navigation ===== [[episode_25|Previous Episode]] [[episode_26_bonus|Next Episode]] ===== Listen to the episode ===== {{soundcloud>boontavista/episode-26-eat-shit-lyle}}