====== Chief Metaverse Officer And A Gentleman ====== {{:cover-image:episode_12_bonus_cover_image.jpeg?250|}} **Episode 270 Bonus** Chief Metaverse Officer And A Gentleman **Episode Navigation** [[episode_270|Prev]][[episode_271|Next]] **Chief Metaverse Officer And A Gentleman** is a bonus episode of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 23-Oct-2022. ===== Description ===== Lucy, Theo, Andrew, and Ben bring you: The Piet outlook for the Dutch festive season, losing your house to a highway, a mystery container, and the extremely surprising failure of the metaverse. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |The Government Centre for Take Control. Here, a team of brave and dedicated workers commit their lives to isolating and controlling online takes to ensure we stop the spread and flatten the curve of this dangerous disease. And they're looking after ADHD (Andrew), bisexuality (Theo), and isolating the posters (Ben)|Lucy| ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Ben]] * [[start#Hosts|Lucy]] * [[start#Hosts|Theo]] ===== Guests ===== No guests this episode. ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |0:11:27|[[Dutch Watch|Dutch Watch]]|They don't actually name the segment - the phrase they lead in with is "visit the Netherlands". No blackface at Volendam's Sinterklaas arrival party this year - https://nltimes.nl/2022/10/20/blackface-volendams-sinterklaas-arrival-party-year| |0:17:27|[[The One Thing We Didn't Want To Happen|The One Thing We Didn'T Want To Happen]]|Queensland home owners told the land it’s built on is needed for highway upgrade, hours after getting keys to the newly-built house.| |0:24:07|[[Omens and Portents|Omens And Portents]]|A mystery metal object was removed from the side of New Brunswick highway, looking something like a storage tank.| |0:29:20|[[Scam Watch|Scam Watch]]|Included against Ben's ethical code: Meta's Metaverse is falling short of expectations, one year on from Facebook rename. There's a lot of discussion of VR and metaverses in general, not just the Meta disaster zone.| ===== Episode Notes ===== Lucy disappears shortly before the end "Her computer exploded". Ben relives his annoyance at making people cocktails towards the end of the intro. Andrew pulls back the dry, or not audibly wet, curtain at 19m. Theo has an anecdote about getting scared reading about a film. Andrew was very snappy on all the segues until the last one where he gets segue constipation (around 28m) ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|n/a| ^Movies Referenced|Pontypool (2008), The Godfather (1972), Indiana Jones (?) [re-listen to confirm if this refers to the series or to a specific movie], Die Hard (1988), Dances With Wolves (1990), Braveheart (1995), Oz the Great and Powerful (2013), Hugo (2011), Ready Player One (2018), Avatar (2011), Blade Runner 2049 (2017), Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), Terrifier 2 (2022), Return of the Living Dead (1985)| ^Fad Diets|None| ^Crime Passes|None| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A|