====== Roadrunnered By The Coyote ====== {{:cover-image:avatars-Av1MpKufKjMzkL24-8SlW5g-original.jpg?250|}} **Episode 276** Roadrunnered By The Coyote **Episode Navigation** [[episode_275_bonus|Prev]][[episode_276_bonus|Next]] **Roadrunnered By The Coyote** is episode 276 of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 01-Dec-2022. ===== Description ===== Lucy, Andrew, and Ben are joined by Chapo Trap House's Will Menaker to discuss: Tear gassing your own troops for morale, losing 45 gallons of iPhones, and an American werewolf in Colorado. Plus: The Clipping Report and the much-dreaded return of the RIPing Report. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |In New York City, enjoying the normal sights and sounds a one of the biggest apples while referring to their Lonely Planet guides.|Andrew | ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Lucy]] * [[start#Hosts|Theo]] ===== Guests ===== * [[Will Menaker]] ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |0:07:50|[[Unnamed Segment|Unnamed Segment]]|General chat following on from the intro including a couple of Andrew anecdotes, some TikTok chat and Australia importing the salute-the-anthem culture| |0:13:53|[[The One Thing We Didn't Want To Happen|The One Thing We Didn'T Want To Happen]]|US infantry unit accidentally tear-gassed their own soldiers during a morale event as they used it to mark a 'tough mudder' style course without telling anyone.| |0:21:58|[[The RIPing Report|The Riping Report]]|Ben takes another run at the segment, this time focussing on old people so listeners complain less including someone catching on fire being defibrilated, someone running themself over with a bulldozer and someone trampled by an escaped cow| |0:27:35|[[Crime Watch|Crime Watch]]|from WINS, a man with 300 iPhones was violently robbed near the Apple store.| |0:37:45|[[The Clipping Report|The Clipping Report]]|New theme debut! Gets a giggle from Ben, otherwise largely not remarked on. Accidents include people at a pet store, at a mall, a security guard at the Ricochet bar, being shot by a friend while shooting at a coyote, while unloading their gun, just messing about and while watching a movie at a cinema.| |0:51:28|[[Omens and Portents|Omens And Portents]]|Something is killing calves in Oregon.| ===== Episode Notes ===== Andrew revisits the old favourite "Elena still awake on her phone when Andrew comes to bed" anecdote, this time for TikTok. He's also got more to tell us about the recent children's concert at his kids' school and at 49m there's another titbit from the Richard E Grant event he'd been to recently. Lucy gets in a good burn on the others around 46m in. There's a Cow Tools reference towards the end of the RIPing report. There's another entry in the "unexpected podcast apologies" as Andrew apoogizes to Jeep. ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|n/a| ^Movies Referenced|The Boondock Saints (1999), Tombstone (1993), Double Indemnity (1944), Twilight (2008), Predator (1987), Prey (2022)| ^Fad Diets|Sea Coli| ^Crime Passes|None| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A| ===== Listen to the episode ===== {{soundcloud>boontavista/episode-276}}