====== Mononymous Gibian ======
**Episode 380**
Mononymous Gibian
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**Mononymous Gibian** is episode 380 of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on January 25, 2025.
===== Description =====
Lucy, Theo, and Ben bring you: A woman and her mutant dogs, baiting a bull with Mike Kuck, the significance of an open door, a perfectly legal glass of prosecco, a missing crown, and a missing gun.
Outro: Dead Mantra - Dead Skeletons
The video Theo was talking about is Fredward by the Billy Nayer Show from the web series Stingray Sam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNhXYmJ0G8c
===== Intro Scenario =====
Theo is a simple fisherman's wife. Lucy is Theo's good friend, with whom Theo shares everything. Ben is the big sexy octopus Theo dreamt of last night.
* Scenario by [[start#Hosts|Theo]].
===== Hosts =====
* [[start#Hosts|Lucy]]
* [[start#Hosts|Theo]]
* [[start#Hosts|Ben]]
===== Guests =====
No guests in this episode.
===== Segments =====
|0:00:00|[[Intro Scenario]]|See above.|
|04:22|What The ([[What The]])|From KFLY in Lafayette, Louisiana: Woman Allegedly Drove Kids Around Acadiana To Destroy Snowmen.|
|13:24|Regional Bullshit ([[Regional Bullshit]])|From KARE in Minnesota: Minnesota's Favourite Ice Fishing Extravaganza Back For 35th Year. Featuring Chairman Mike Kuck. The Brainerd Jaycees Brainerd Adjacent Ice Fishing Extravaganza On Gull Lake's Hole In The Day Bay On Saturday.|
|19:41|Paging Doctor Lucy ([[Paging Doctor Lucy]])|From r/swingers: Is a cracked door the new upside down pineapple?|
|25:33|Planely Speaking ([[Planely Speaking]])|Inspired by the absence of Andrew, Ben starts the segment with a personal anecdote about a silent poster thief and his Chaplain Cop buddy. From Australian Aviation Magazine: Virgin Loses Second Appeal Against Reinstating Sacked Crew Member. Prosecco doesn't count as alcohol.|
|43:07|Crime Watch ([[Crime Watch]])|From WHTM in Pennsylvania: Man Wanted For Stealing Crown Worth 30,000 Dollars From Pennsylvania Church.|
|47:02|America Watch ([[America Watch]])|From WINK (the wink) in Florida: School Burglars In Colliers County Make Off With Guns.|
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