====== Revelisations ====== {{:cover-image:episode_4_bonus_cover_image.jpg?200|}} **Revelisations** is a bonus episode of the podcast, [[start#About the Show|Boonta Vista]]. This episode was released on 25-Jul-2017. ===== Description ===== Eliza Gauger returns for a round of questions from the mailbag, helping figure out what's up with the blue guys in Avatar and supporting Andrew as he works through his intense fear of birds of all sizes. ===== Intro Scenario ===== ^Summary^Written by^ |No intro scenario. Lucy is described as 'still dead' because of technical issues.|n/a| ===== Hosts ===== * [[start#Hosts|Andrew]] * [[start#Hosts|Ben]] ===== Guests ===== * [[Eliza Gauger (@3liza)]] ===== Segments ===== ^Timestamp^Segment^Notes^ |0:01:00|[[Mailbag|Mailbag]]|Questions from our lovely patrons and even some questions from the scum who are not patrons. What would the topic of your TED talk be? A reader feels they should manicure more. It's Sunday in Sydney, is it still 1976 in Brisbane? (Fuck you, Alex). Which Boonta VIsta host is the most egregious gronk?, What's the most fucked up animal in Australia? What's the deal with the blue guys in Avatar?| ===== Episode Notes ===== Andrew revisits his Beatles opinion at around 15 minutes in, he also talks about his general bird fear at around 19 minutes (foreshadowing!) ^ Other Information ^^ ^Outro Music|n/a| ^Movies Referenced|White Chicks (2004), Little Man (2006), Pootie Tang (2001), Jurassic Park (1993), Avatar (2009), Alien (1979), The Abyss (1989), Terminator 2 (1991), Aliens (1986), Mad Max (1979), Alien: Covenant (2017), Alien: Prometheus (2012), Jurassic World (2015), Alien: Resurrection (1997), Pacific Rim (2013), Hostel (2005), Saw (2004), Wolf Creek (2005), King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)| ^Fad Diets|n/a| ^Crime Passes|n/a| ^Hundredth Episode Gong|N/A| ===== Navigation ===== [[episode_9|Previous Episode]] [[episode_10|Next Episode]] ===== Listen to the episode ===== {{soundcloud>boontavista/bonus-episode-4-teaser-revelisations-featuring-3liza}}