====== Mexican Bigfoot ====== **Mexican Bigfoot**\\ IMAGE REDACTED\\ **Name:** Mexican Bigfoot\\ **Type:** Cryptid\\ **Occupation:** Unknown\\ **Status:** Real **Mexican Bigfoot**, also known as Mexican Sasquatch, Mexican Yowie, Mexican Yeti, and a number of other Mexican pseudonyms, is a cryptid hypothesised to exist by [[start|Boonta Vista]] host [[start#Hosts|Andrew]]. ===== Origins ===== First described by Andrew during the [[Omens And Portents]] segment of the Bonus Episode [[episode_382_bonus|Militarised Mechanised War-Apes In The Next Big Conflict]], Mexican Bigfoot was one of the suggested perpetrators of a possible animal attack in Costilla County, Colorado reported by news outlet [[https://www.koaa.com/news/covering-colorado/costilla-county-sheriff-warns-residents-to-be-aware-of-surroundings-following-possible-animal-attack|KOAA]]. ===== Description ===== Mexican Bigfoot, being a member of the Sasquatch species, is a tall, hair-covered bipedal great ape. It can be differentiated from it's non-Mexican cousins by its longer-than-typical peri-oral hair (or "moustache"), distinctive "bandolier"-patterned chest hair, and preference for wearing a lovingly hand-crafted sombrero fashioned from reeds and flowers. ===== Navigation ===== **Cryptids**\\ [[thegrunter|The Grunter]] | [[Bigfoot]] | [[Mexican Bigfoot]] | [[Mark]] | [[porcelainman|The Porcelain Man]] **Episodes**\\ [[episode_382_bonus|Militarised Mechanised War-Apes In The Next Big Conflict]]