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Patreon Taint

Patreon Taint is a bonus episode of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 15-Dec-2017.


Andrew and Theo and here giving a rundown of the recent Patreon fee structure debacle and why startups and ridesharing apps sucks. We also claim responsibility for Sam Dastyari's resignation and delve back into Nature Corner for Theo's frightening take on the humble magpie. But mostly we're taking time to thank you, our humble, spiritually fulfilled, extravagantly attractive Patrons.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
No intro scenario. ANdrew got caught in a storm on his bike. n/a



No guests this episode.


0:03:20Unnamed SegmentPatreon fee changes, startups and their various ways of being shitty, the billionaire instinct to accumulate more money being like a hoarder, Theo has a modest proposal that ending the year with more than say 10 million dollars should be a death sentence for the health of society but also the health of the millionaires themselves.
0:43:05Nature CornerAndrew quizzes Theo for Australia's most overrated and underrated animal.

Episode Notes

There's a lot of sincere thanks to patreons throughout this episode, it's a bit unsettling.

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies Referenced
Fad Dietsn/a
Crime Passesn/a
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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