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Flick Tha Police

Flick Tha Police is episode 50 of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 05-Jun-2018.


It's our 50th episode! Welcome to our anniversary dinner. Place your keys in the bowl, place your golden gift on the pile and get ready to hear about cops hitting each other in the balls.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
No intro scenario. It's the Boonta Vista 50th Anniversary Special! The podcast is 50 years old!



No guests this episode.


0:05:20Unnamed SegmentThe police officer who flicked his colleagues genitals denied an appeal
0:19:39Unnamed no longer shopping to Australia leads to Ben laying into another Australian retailer.
0:28:00Unnamed SegmentChannel nine's appeal against racial vilification failed
0:36:32Unnamed SegmentPauline Hanson crying on TV the latest of her strange relationships with party candidates..
0:41:00Where Is Shane Warne?Introduced as Where in the Wide World of Where's Warnie is Warnie? He had made a 'your stripper name is…' post on Instagram.
0:47:55Paging Dr. LucyRelationship horrors include the man whose wife is accidentally flirting with other men.

Episode Notes

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies ReferencedLethal Weapon (1987)
Fad DietsNo
Crime PassesNo
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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