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You Have Been Bonus Cucked

You Have Been Bonus Cucked is a bonus episode of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 06-Jun-2018.


Mailbag! Nicknames! Tell-alls! Billionaires! Silicon Valley! Ayn Rand! Google! AI! Online vs. Real Life! Embarrassing youthful political positions! Wine!

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
No intro scenario. Welcome to Boonta Vista. It's a bonus episode. The hosts discuss the titular bonus cucking.



No guests this episode.


0:03:46MailbagCorrespondence from outwith the podcast, including: is it woke to guillotine the royals now one is a POC? Have you considered rebranding Theo? Thoughts on Google not not being evil any more?

Episode Notes

We learn about the hosts' youthful bad or mistaken politics in this episode. Ben's life advice for the week is to get up half an hour earlier, cook a breakfast, read your book, take your time for once in the morning.

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies ReferencedPrimer (2004), Atlas Shrugged (2011), Atlas Shrugged: Part II (2012), Atlas Shrugged: Part III (2014)
Fad DietsNo
Crime PassesNo
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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