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A Day At The Racists

A Day At The Racists is episode 61 of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 20-Aug-2018.


Welcome to Australia where the discourse is really dumb and super racist! Andrew, Lucy, Theo and Ben are here to guide you through the week's idiocy including Fraser Anning's maiden speech, Bob Katter's endorsement, Pauline Hanson's disavowal and Derryn Hinch apologising once everyone had yelled at him for 24 hours.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
Coming to you from the horrible, racist future of Australia. It's just like Mad Max, but way more racist. Ben is strapped to the General Lee. Theo is locked in the trunk. Lucy is driving, leading a very loud conversation about how not-racist the Confederate flag is.Andrew



No guests this episode.


0:03:00Can CheckBen's on fancy wine, Lucy's drinking kombucha (the booch) for her illness, Andrew Monteith's XPA and bourbon, Theo a white wine and Aussielent
0:13:00Unnamed SegmentFraser Anning's maiden senate speech. There's a sound clip of Bab Katter backing up Fraser Anning's position after the speech at 42:17, and Andrew Bolt's response is covered from around 1:01:00

Episode Notes

Theo reels off the 14 words with frightening competence leading Ben to pull back the curtain (dry) at 19:10ish.

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies Referenced
Fad DietsTheo's drinking Aussielent
Crime PassesKey Fraser Anning's car, no actually throw a brick through the window
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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