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No Joke Title This Week

No Joke Title This Week is episode 91 of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 25-Mar-2019.


Andrew, Ben & Theo discuss Christchurch, reactions in the Australian media, attempts by the conservative media to distance themselves and Scott Morrison's interview with Waleed Aly. We get hopeful for potential stirrings of a change in the Australian media and offer suggestions for things you can do in a time like this.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
Andrew is on stage, under the spotlight. He's wearing tails like a pianist, but there's no piano. Ben (stage left) is motioning for Andrew to get off the stage. Sweating with anticipation, Theo is shuffling around behind the big red velvet curtain.Andrew



No guests this episode.


0:05:45Unnamed SegmentThe Christchurch mosque shootings

Episode Notes

Ben advice is to go and show solidarity with the Muslim community in Australia or just to learn more about it

Other Information
Outro Music
Movies ReferencedDreamcatcher (2003), The Cell (2000), The Fall (2006), Immortals (2011), Hellraiser (1987)
Fad DietsNo
Crime PassesNo
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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