Intro Scenario

Many episodes of the podcast Boonta Vista begin with an intro scenario.


Episode Host Scenario
144 Ben Ben is strapped to the mast of a Flying Dutchman-type ghost ship
145 Andrew Pirate ship wrecked off D'Urville Island
146 Andrew Trolls World Tour movie premiere
147 Andrew Grimes and Elon Musk's birthing suite
148 Ben Squid Universe
149 Ben Theo and Ben are in their houses in Brisbane, recording a podcast
150 Ben The set in Burbank where the “moon landing” was filmed
151 N/A Instead of an intro scenario, this special Black Lives Matter episode begins with a voicemail from an American listener describing the situation.
152 Ben The Gympie Music Muster
153 Ben The set of the movie Fitzcarraldo
154 Theo The gang are in purgatory
155 Ben Livestream from the International Space Station
156 Lucy The signing of the Declaration of Independence
157 Andrew Australia's deep state, contained in a single bunker
158 Ben The post-apocalyptic ruins of the Skyline Chili factory in Cincinnati, Ohio
159 Andrew A demonstration against COVID travel restrictions at the Vic-NSW border
160 Ben Theo's mind palace
161 Ben Frank Frazetta's imagination
162 Ben A perfectly ordinary science laboratory
163 Ben An expedition to the abyssal plain
164 Ben Hanging out in the Sea of Tranquility
165 Andrew A hostage negotiation
166 Theo Gender reveal for Theo's child
167 Theo A cave approximately 3 million years B.A. (Before Avatar)
168 Ben A helicopter travelling towards a daring new venture in the field of genetics taking place in the jungles of Costa Rica
169 Ben The presidential suite at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
170 Lucy The boomer-killing factory
171 Theo The worst place on earth, a place of torment and suffering where the wicked are punished for their sins: Chemist Warehouse
172 Theo What your dipshit cousin believes the Bureau of Meteorology to be
173 Ben An altercation outside The Pot Belly bar in Belconnen, ACT
174 Andrew The Four Seasons Hotel, a scene of perfect tranquility
175 Lucy The Bachelorette, in which Lucy plays the title role
176 Lucy An improv show with very bad vibes (but I repeat myself)
177 Theo A special repeat broadcast of Boonta Vista, a speaky-over-radio programme broadcast across Australia and the Territories by 46KUM and ABC Radio National
178 Ben The gang are in Hell
179 Andrew Waiting in line for the annual podcast Christmas photo
180 Theo At long last, by popular demand, it's the Boonta Vista Anime Special
181 Theo Dr. Theo presents his brilliant solution for the troubles of everyday life, the NQE Sleep System
182 Andrew A COVID-safe orgy
183 Ben The Triple J Hottest 100 broadcast
184 Theo New Year 2020, a year full of promise
185 Andrew The QANTAS members' lounge in Parliament House
186 Ben Elder Scrolls VI (sic) dev studio
187 Ben The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
188 Andrew A dirty little hole in the ground, filled with stinky garbage
189 Andrew A vaccination clinic, whose operation has been handed over to the gang in a desperate attempt to keep any public institution from being allowed to handle government resources
190 Theo Oh, I'm a horrible little worm. Just a disgusting little worm crawling about.
191 Theo Theo has relocated to the remote Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies in an attempt to overcome his intro scenario writer's block
192 Ben The Sony Music offices in the year 1996
193 Ben The magical kingdom of Grambulax
194 Andrew The Comedy Central roast of Prince Philip's possibly-dead body
195 Ben A new episode of the American current-events comedy podcast Boonter Vister
196 Andrew Paddling around in the world's biggest toilet bowl
197 Theo A fateful tournament in the dark lands of the Outworld, somewhere in the rough area of Belarus
198 Theo The gang introduces their brand-new reality show, The Benchelor
199 Ben In an all-new twist on the format, the gang meet to record a podcast titled Boonta Vista
200 N/A The “200th” “episode” “celebration” opens with a series of voicemails from various personalities, congratulating the gang on their “achievement”.
201 Ben The top-secret lab in which the novel coronavirus was created
202 Ben The beautiful country of Lithuania
203 Ben A certification exam at the Al Cisneros International Institute for the Naming of Stoner Metal Bands
204 Ben Spring break in New Orleans
205 N/A There is no intro scenario, or any other content for that matter, due to Ben's decision to sell the notes to the hosts of bigsofttitty.png
206 Ben The offices of a more successful alternate-universe version of Boonta Vista
207 Ben It's Cyberspace, Babey!!
208 Andrew Due to a pact with the Devil, the gang have found themselves stepping in as the characters of the band Kiss
209 Andrew A Limp Bizkit concert in the year 2000
210 Ben The interior of an Australian journalist's brain
211 Theo The Great Salt Plains of the Accursed
212 Theo The gang have been turned into various strange and off-putting creatures
213 Andrew The marketing firm of Bastard, Anus & Anus, tasked with minimising the effects of COVID by the Australian government
214 Theo Backstage at the Australian Comedy Music Awards Festival Competition
215 Ben A feast in a fantasy novel
216 Theo The gang are in hospital, having just woken up from separate transplant surgeries
217 Ben The Australian current events podcast Boonta Vista shares its perspective on the latest developments in the world of politics
218 Ben A second horrible improv show has struck the podcast
219 Ben An executives' meeting at the Australian Institute for Advanced Podcasting
220 Lucy The staff at Off Ya Tree have a normal day at work and reflect on the latest Bullet For My Valentine
221 Andrew It's… (bongo beat) Poetry Night
222 Ben Dispatches from the border between dreams and wakefulness, where forbidden cosmic knowledge lurks menacingly at the periphery, like jagged rocks obscured beneath the surface of a placid pool
223 Andrew A research station in Antarctica has succumbed to paranoia as the crew fall under the impression that one of their colleagues is actually a shapeshifting murderous alien
224 Ben Something something submarines, something something Emmanuel Macron
225 Theo A helpful introduction to the podcast for any new listeners the Yazoo City billboard may have brought in
226 Ben A secret deep-state meeting discussing how best to cover up the fact that the Queen is dead
227 Ben The Netflix Twitter bot factory
228 Ben A Saturday night in Fortitude Valley, ca. 2012
229 Lucy Santa's workshop
230 Theo A dungeon door, with Theo as the guard who always tells the truth and Ben as the guard who also always tells the truth
231 Ben The gang slave away at the Take Factory
232 Andrew Midnight on the bayou, and Andrew encounters creatures from another world
233 Theo Theo has the house to himself all evening and asks his co-hosts for advice on how best to spend his time
234 Ben A perfectly normal scientific laboratory in Wuhan, China, sometime in late 2019
235 Theo Theo has a single hole
236 Theo Andrew and Lucy are a married couple participating in a Grand Designs-type architecture show, with Theo hosting
237 Theo Theo is normal now
238 Theo Theo is a train
238 Bonus Andrew The 2022 Monster Movie Monster's Penis convention
239 Ben A lovely afternoon at Golgotha in roughly the first century AD
239 Bonus Lucy Lucy's bedroom in 2007, getting ready to go to the Taste of Chaos concert tour in Melbourne
240 Ben The roof of the Pontifical Urban University in Vatican City, looking across St. Peter's Square through the sights of an HK417 A2 toward a window of the Papal Apartments
240 Bonus Theo One of the endings of the 2000 video game Deus Ex
241 Theo Speaking out and addressing the big issue
241 Bonus Ben The sinking of Atlantis
242 Ben The rat factory
242 Bonus 1 Andrew The first annual Boonta Vista Bikini Competition
242 Bonus 2 Lucy Living under the sea
243 Ben The Cowboy Nazi planet from Star Trek: The Original Series
243 Bonus Theo Theo has taken LSD
244 Andrew The 2022 Johannesburg Saliva Production Olympics
244 Bonus Ben A low-level adventure game dungeon
245 Ben A lively house party where everyone is a personification of an Australian comedy podcast
245 Bonus Theo The cube factory
246 Lucy An Elon Musk-owned Twitter in the year 2023
246 Bonus Theo Following a medical procedure, Theo, Andrew and Ben are no longer normal
247 Ben The Third International Sound Healing Conference
247 Bonus Lucy Binta Vosta: the most consequential news from around the world, from the most informed minds in Australia
248 Andrew Britain's best restaurant, The Queen's Giblets
248 Bonus Theo A very special performance of John Cage's 4'33“
249 Ben A session of The Council of Intelligent Races of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy
249 Bonus Andrew A party celebrating the successful election of the Boonta Vista Party
250 Bonus Theo A world in every way like ours, except our city centres are each haunted by one gigantic carnivorous baby named Kevin
251 Andrew The launch of the inaugural Honking Across America event in Yazoo City, Mississippi
251 Bonus Theo The White Culture festival
252 Ben An intro from the bit of the podcast where they sporadically started doing this style of intro
252 Bonus Lucy The beach that makes you old
253 Andrew 175th Foppish Dandy Invitational in Cambridge
253 Bonus Ben Polish Hollywood
254 Ben The Murderdome in orbit around the top-secret prison planet Hyperius VI
254 Bonus Theo Theo and Ben are your friends
255 Lucy Unionised dick-sucking factory
255 Bonus 1 Theo Presenting new advertising concepts to the board of the failing Red Rooster restaurant chain
255 Bonus 2 Lucy Lucy reads from Guns and Ships, a song from the Lin-Manuel Miranda musical Hamilton
256 Ben The children of the original Boonta Vista hosts record an episode of My Dad Had a Podcast
256 Bonus Theo Boys night watching State of Origin (with 30,000 bees)
257 Theo Meeting of The Council of Boyfriends
257 Bonus Lucy The writers' room for the band LFO (Lyte Funkie Ones) in the year 1999, looking for their next big hit after 1997's (Sex U Up) The Way You Like It
258 Andrew The world's worst restaurant
258 Bonus Ben Ben is dead and is in heaven coming to terms with the events of his life by meeting two people who either significantly impacted the course of his life or whose life he had a significant impact on
259 Ben The set of the 8-episode ABC digital-only comedy TV show The Like Generation
259 Bonus Lucy Chimp Jacobman's buck's party
260 Andrew Andrew and Ben are Theo's babies
260 Bonus Ben Warehouse in heaven where goblins create new experiences
261 Ben Racist pizzeria
261 Bonus Theo A European arthouse movie
262 Lucy In a John Deere combine harvester, off to efficiently harvest a variety of grain crops
262 Bonus Ben Boonta Vista, a free weekly comedy current events podcast which takes a skewed look at uninteresting news of the week from around the world (but almost always America) and tries to make it interesting using their unique blend of comedy, curiosity, and a strong moral point of view that bends towards left-wing politics without getting bogged down in anything like theory or consistency
263 Ben The town of Horsecock, Wyoming
263 Bonus Andrew Taking pitches for new intro scenarios in the Boonta Vista writers' room
264 Lucy Flight QF264 to Sydney
264 Bonus Ben 1997 Sun Microsystems Digital Business Systems Alignment Integration Strategy Conference
265 Theo Emergency convening of the Australian Royalist Society of ex-Patriots
265 Bonus Ben The magical kingdom of Grambulax (from the original episode 193)
266 Andrew Live coverage of the Queen's funeral
266 Bonus Theo Porno parody of the indie science fiction film Primer
267 Andrew PAX Australia talks on the importance of Dead or Alive-style bust adjustment sliders