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Cowboy President Teddy Rumsfeld

Cowboy President Teddy Rumsfeld is episode 36 of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 26-Feb-2018.


Andrew, Theo and Ben are pulling back the curtain this week and revealing some of our most amazing production secrets. We're talking about Barnaby Joyce, the Daily Mail's latest atrocity of a headline, spicy takes and news about Mark Latham for people who are over 60 years old. We also attempt to count our teeth.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
No intro scenario. A grain of rice has undone Theo, Andrew guesses the episode number.



No guests this episode.


0:04:03Unnamed Segment

Starts with Ben pulling Andrew up for not segue-ing, getting him to take another run at it.|

0:09:36Unnamed SegmentBarnaby Joyce scandal update
0:22:00Unnamed SegmentA recent article from the Courier Mail on teenagers overdosing on Russian novel drugs.
0:30:30MailbagWhat's Mark Latham been up to? (A news website for over 60s)., What's your favourite Shane Warne fact? (see separate segment), How many teeth does the podcast have?
0:47:11Where Is Shane Warne?Introduced as the Wide World of Where's Warnie? but embedded in the larger Mailbag segment, it covers one possibly untrue fact about a young Shane Warne. Segment ends at 00:51:00
1:03:20Nature CornerPossibly the shortest nature corner ever, it's a geck o noise and the words “there's nature corner!”, again embedded in the mailbag segment

Episode Notes

The curtain (dry, clean, red velvet, behind a velvet rope) is pulled back at 00:06:55. At 45m Ben says 'tangentenial' for the first time, as mentioned in bonus episode Vote 1 SA Darts There's some discussion of “cook egg for wives-of-the-show” at 1:00:12 Ben's life advice is to set a few hours aside for some peaveful time to yourself, like to read a book. The episode fades out with him viciously laying into the other hosts for not letting him be sincere and nice.

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies ReferencedShine (1996), Left Behind (2014), Anerican Pie (1999)
Fad Dietsn/a
Crime PassesSet up an illegal torrent site on Squarespace to distribute 'The Leftovers' TV series
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

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episode_36.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/08 19:48 by ajps

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