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Live, Laugh, Love Talking to the Manager

Live, Laugh, Love Talking to the Manager is a bonus episode of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 07-Nov-2019.


Lucy and Theo discuss the concept of a Karen, listeners' worst customer service stories, and doing your kinks at a family wedding.

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
At a digusting fast food restaurant, as staff.Lucy



No guests this episode.


0:03:28Unnamed SegmentLucy's been looking at the Starbucks staff Reddit, prompting her and Theo to swap food service industry stories.
0:09:55Unnamed SegmentSon is awarded $10,000 after being sacked for being late for family dinner
0:13:30MailbagA mix of questions and bad work experiences in this mailbag, including: being asked by a boss to give back part of a 'good job' bonus because it was given by mistake, being asked why a trip wasn't booked when it had been agreed it wouldn't be, asking the hosts to write their resignation notice, Which host has the most 'hot couch guy' energy? A father and son boss confiding that they don't believe in democracy, more work shitting stories from Theo, a 'how long will it take the boss to say a slur' game, and some Mall Santa woes with a Karen.
0:45:10Paging Dr. LucyLucy and Theo improvise a theme because they can't play in Andrew's. This time from Am I The Asshole: AITA for telling my sister her kink has no place at my wedding?
0:52:48Unnamed SegmentGuy sold his house for $1.8 million, put it into crypto, them got hacked and lost it all

Episode Notes

Both Theo and Lucy mention they are both patrons of the podcast at the end of the episode.

Other Information
Outro Music
Movies Referenced-
Fad DietsNo
Crime PassesNo
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

Listen to the episode

episode_123_bonus.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/08 19:54 by ajps

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