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Shooter On The Assy Noll

Shooter On The Assy Noll is a bonus episode of the podcast, Boonta Vista. This episode was released on 11-Jul-2018.


Andrew, Theo and Lucy are catching up on important NollNews including Overly Woke Takes, the problem with The Arts, Paging Dr. Lucy and letters from the Mailbag!

Intro Scenario

SummaryWritten by
In a goth club, Andrew's wearing eyeliner, Theo's in a choker and Lucy's in her normal clothes.Andrew



No guests this episode.


0:04:30Nollsy NewsMore news of Shannon Noll, this time after he verbally unleashed on an audience member throwing a bottle at the stage
0:24:40Unnamed SegmentRecent news, including the felony theft conviction of someone for taking a MAGA hat and throwing a drink over someone.
0:40:00Paging Dr. LucyThis time there's the man due to get married on the date of the world cup final, someone who fell out with their gf over how he plays board games and the man who took two weeks to work on himself and played video games instead.
1:03:20MailbagQuestions including What games will you be playing on twitch? What are BV approved hobbies? Which Sesame Street characters are you? Have you thought about having a discord for the podcast? Can you each pick a double bill of films?

Episode Notes

At around 28 minutes, Andrew tells his dragged-into-a-kitchen-based-play-against-his-will anecdote. Theo mentions being stuck at the first checkpoint in Bloodborne (Wolf beasts on the bridge?) which will come back on the episode Pro-Joyce Activism 2. The hosts are open to the idea of setting up a discord for the show if people can explain it to them, but they won't be spending much time on it.

Other Information
Outro Musicn/a
Movies ReferencedAlmost Famous (2000), The Wedding Singer (1998), A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004), Melancholia (2011), Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), Friday the 13th (2009), Halloween (2007),
Fad DietsNo
Crime PassesNo
Hundredth Episode GongN/A

Listen to the episode

episode_55_bonus.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/08 19:50 by ajps

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